Unless you are managing your supply chain in the most socially responsible way, you are risking getting your organization into trouble. Getting bad publicity, losing customers, and being subject to criminal consequences are just a few of the risks that your organization can face when its procurement professionals are unaware of constantly changing social responsibility principles. Exemplary Supply Chain Social Responsibility will teach you the wide variety of details that can take a supply chain organization from clueless to industry-leading. Upon completing this course, you will be able to:

  • Align your supply chain social responsibility program with your industry
  • Identify a variety of social issues potentially influenced by procurement
  • Incorporate social responsibility into your supplier selection scorecard
  • Understand how a supplier code of conduct is used as the foundation of a supply chain social responsibility program
  • Apply guidelines for writing your own supplier code of conduct and how to use an outline for getting started
  • Apply your supplier code of conduct to tier 2 suppliers
  • Understand what the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act is, whether or not it applies to your organization, and how to comply with it
  • Understand how organizations address supplier occupational safety to avoid both physical and public relations disasters
  • Make specification, shipping, and packaging decisions that are more environmentally-friendly
  • Avoid buying conflict minerals and comply with conflict minerals laws like the Dodd-Frank Act
  • Audit suppliers for compliance to contracts and your supplier code of conduct
  • Identify supplier audit failures and the corrective action to take for each classification

This is a self-paced course with no instructor-led forum and you have 60 days from registration to complete all course elements. It should take you approximately 8 hours to review the material and take any quizzes. All readings are provided in the course.

This course has been pre-approved for 8 CEHs.
