We provide the instructors with all of the tools they need
Let our highly-developed certification program bring more opportunities to both you and your students by adding our Certified Procurement Operation – Body of Knowledge® to your curriculum.
Your students will gain an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the procurement industry.
Training in a Box
As one of NLPA’s valued Academic Partners, you will receive customized training packages to suit your specific needs. Below are the 3 options we offer:
Certification Programs
We recently updated our SPSM program and are rereleasing it with new information as our CPO Suite of Certifications. Click here to read more about these changes.
Certified Procurement Operations. The CPO Suite of Certifications are distinct by both name and curricula. Each CPO level offers validation & recognition for key Procurement and Purchasing skill sets at their respective levels. The different certifications are:
Essential Procurement Skills
CPOS stands for Certified Procurement Operations Specialist, and it is our level 1 certification program. It covers the “Essential Procurement Skills” of the CPO – Body of Knowledge (CPO-BOK). Earning your CPOS Certification Credential will provide you with the foundational knowledge you need. It is the first step in becoming a Certified Procurement Operations Expert. There are no educational or experience pre-requisites required for enrollment. Click here to learn how the certification process works.

CPOS Program: What You’ll Learn
These Individual Courses comprise level 1 of the CPO-BOK.
Advanced Procurement Skills

CPOP stands for Certified Procurement Operations Professional, and it is our level 2 certification program. It covers the “Advanced Procurement Skills” competencies of the CPO – Body of Knowledge (CPO-BOK). The path to earning the CPOP Credential involves completing the CPOS program and being in “good standing.” Click here to learn how the certification process works.

CPOP Program: What You’ll Learn
These Individual Courses comprise level 2 of the CPO-BOK.
C-Level Procurement Impact

CPOE stands for Certified Procurement Operations Executive, and it is our level 4 certification program. It covers the “C-Level Procurement Impact” competencies of the CPO – Body of Knowledge (CPO-BOK). As our highest level of the certification programs, earning this credential declares to the world that you are indisputably an expert in procurement operations. To enroll in this program, you must obtain CPOS, CPOP, and CPOM credentials and maintain them in “good standing.” Click here to learn how the certification process works.

CPOE Program: What You’ll Learn
These Individual Courses comprise level 4 of the CPO-BOK.
Procurement Function Management Skills

CPOM stands for Certified Procurement Operations Manager, and it is our level 3 certification program. It covers the “Procurement Function Management Skills” competencies of the CPO – Body of Knowledge (CPO-BOK). The path to becoming a CPOM involves first earning your CPOS and CPOP credentials and being in “good standing.” Click here to learn how the certification process works.
CPOM Program: What You’ll Learn
These Individual Courses comprise level 3 of the CPO-BOK.
Individual Courses
Individual Courses consist of 8 lessons taking approximately 30-60 minutes to complete. The design of these 18 different courses gives a comprehensive understanding of procurement topics such as spreadsheet analysis, sourcing, purchasing management, and more.