CLTC Director Featured in CBS News Discussing Long-Term Care Planning
The CBS News article “Does Long-Term Care Insurance Still Make Sense If You Live With Your Children?” delves into the complexities of navigating long-term care options, particularly for individuals who anticipate residing with family members. Bill, a seasoned expert in the field, offers valuable insights and clarifies common misconceptions surrounding long-term care insurance in today’s landscape.
Key Points Highlighted
- The value of long-term care insurance even for individuals living with family members: The article highlights that while family support is invaluable, long-term care needs can be unpredictable and demanding, potentially placing a significant burden on loved ones. Long-term care insurance can provide financial protection and ensure access to professional care services, allowing family members to supervise care rather than provide it.
- Understanding long-term care insurance coverage: The article outlines the various services typically covered by long-term care insurance policies, including adult day care, home modifications to accommodate changing needs, and meal planning and preparation assistance.
“We are thrilled to see CLTC® professionals like Bill actively contribute to important conversations surrounding long-term care planning,” says CLTC® Executive Director Amber Pate. “Bill’s expertise and ability to provide clear, concise information in the CBS News article will undoubtedly empower individuals and families to make informed decisions regarding their care needs.”
Celeste Cobb, CLTC’s Director of Education, adds: “In our January webinar, Truth or Fiction? Industry Experts Respond to the NY Times Series, “Dying Broke”, a panel of leading industry actuaries addressed concerning claims made in a recent New York Times series about long-term care planning. The webinar aimed to clarify misconceptions and empower participants with factual information to confidently navigate long-term care planning decisions.
Cobb adds, “We are committed to providing accurate and unbiased information, and Bill’s contribution to the CBS News article further exemplifies this commitment.”
About the Certification for Long-Term Care (CLTC®)
The CLTC® is a recognized professional designation for individuals demonstrating comprehensive knowledge and expertise in the field of long-term care. CLTC® professionals play a vital role in supporting individuals and families through the various facets of long-term care planning.